When people hear the word ‘addiction,' different images come to mind. Some may envision a disheveled junkie nervously pacing until they get their next ‘fix' while others may see a broken down alcoholic who looks far too old for their years. Truth of the matter is, an addict may wear a business suit, a lab coat, or boast pilot's wings on their lapel. An addict can look just like you. Addiction comes in many forms with many faces. Fortunately, addiction treatment in Flower Mound is only a phone call away.
Addiction to drugs or alcohol is a chronic condition characterized by compulsion despite any number of adverse consequence. In other words, people who are dependent on drinking or drugging simply can't stop themselves, and they will go to any extreme to obtain and use their substance of choice.
They may cheat and lie and steal from their friends. They may lose their job, their house, and their marriage. They may lose their friends and replace them with drug dealers and bartenders.
Drug and alcohol addiction can make people behave in ways that are contrary to the own morals and beliefs. They may spend money they can't afford just to keep a supply of intoxicants on hand. Addicts may drive while impaired and engage in other risky behaviors, say addiction experts at Mayo Clinic.
With repeated drug or alcohol use, various persistent brain changes may occur. Some of these changes may be so severe that a person can no longer resist the craving alcohol or drugs. Treatment for dual diagnosis in Flower Mound can help reverse some of the effects of mental illness that come with addiction.
Some of these brain changes may persist years after a person has stopped using thus increasing the ex-addict's risk of relapse. For this reason, it is crucial for drug users and alcohol abusers to kick their habit to the curb with the guidance of a well-respected drug and alcohol treatment center and follow up with recovery support groups and other proven programs for addiction treatment.
In most cases, people who become dependent on intoxicants take the first step into drug and alcohol addiction voluntarily, whether by trusting a doctor to prescribe the right pain pills, by walking into a bar and ordering a cocktail, or by accepting illicit street drugs from a friend or acquaintance, explains the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Many people start using drugs or drinking alcoholic beverages because it feels good and lets them loosen their social inhibitions. Some start drinking and drugging to escape some sort of emotional discomfort. Still others turn to mind altering substances as a way to fit in with a peer group.
Frankly, it doesn't make a whole lot of difference how someone becomes dependent. If a person counts on a legal or illegal drug just to wake up and get through the day, their best way out of addiction is to step through the door of our confidential outpatient drug rehab facility.
Anyone who wishes to be rid of a strong dependence on alcohol or drugs would do themselves a fine favor by entering a drug and alcohol addiction treatment facility. Folks who are frightened of going through drug detox in Flower Mound will be relieved to know that a number of medical options may be used to soothe the discomfort of withdrawal.
If you found this page because you think you or someone you love might need professional and confidential addiction treatment in Flower Mound, please contact us without delay. Addiction is a tricky problem that's practically impossible to solve without assistance. In fact, ‘kicking' a deep dependence on liquor or drugs without proper guidance can be downright dangerous.
If you are in an alcohol crisis right now, please have a friend or family member bring you to our alcohol poisoning treatment center immediately.
Addiction treatment in Flower Mound is the right way to go for any man or woman who has the desire to regain control of their life and happiness. We have helped a lot of people learn to embrace sobriety and good health and we can help you. Call us now at (877) 804-1531.